31st Annual Entertainment Industry Mass and Awards Brunch
Sunday, October 20, 2024

10 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Awards Brunch

Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045



CIMA is the Catholic-peer association for the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. The association actively encourages and honors media professionals, films, television programs, and other entertainment forms that uplift the human spirit and promote human dignity.

Catholics in Media Associates (CIMA) was formed by professionals and artists in the entertainment industry to gather annually for prayer and fellowship.

From that early beginning came the CIMA Awards, which were created to spotlight media professionals and films, television programs, and other entertainment forms that uplift the human spirit, promote human dignity, and help us better understand what it is to be part of the human family.

CIMA is a nonprofit organization. Thanks to generous time and talents of numerous volunteers, and those of sponsoring organizations, we are able to celebrate the annual entrainment industry mass and awards.